Cheney Admits No Link Between Saddam, 9/11
He admits they were friking liars, and his favourablity goes up, only in America!!!!!!!

Repeatedly during his two terms as vice president, Cheney claimed there was overwhelming evidence linking the former Iraqi president to the al-Qaeda attack, and publicly condemned the 9/11 commission for claiming that there was �no credible evidence� linking the two.
The issue was brought back to the public�s attention in April, when the Obama Administration released memos relating to the abuse of detainees in US custody. Officials pointed to Cheney (among others), saying he had pressed for the harsh tactics to produce proof of the link between Hussein and al-Qaeda.
Though no such evidence was ever found, and indeed Cheney finally concedes it never existed, the United States invaded Iraq in early 2003, sparking a bloodly war in which well over 100,000 American soldiers remain mired to this day. LinkHere
Kill them, why not, Cheney says so!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheney: Death Only Option for Some Detainees if Gitmo Closed
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