I"m not holding my breath but maybe I am waiting to exhale.
Two scenarios at the end of this year confront me with equal increduality. I just cannot believe, Bush/Chenney being the two-headed monster of murderous criminality, that they will just leave office peacefully. Nor can I shake my naivite that such brazen siezing of power could occur under our sleeping noses. I think most of us has been completely shocked at the crimes this dynamic duo have committed, yet most of us must admit, we might have suspected yet just quite didn"t see it coming in the magnitude that it did when it did.
Pondering the possiblities, my gut feeling is there will be a pretext to martial law. Yes, the Bushes have held a long and bloody role in world history, surviving wether in power or out. The "34 Wall St. Coup, bankrolling Hitler and Auschwitz, the CIA , assasinaiting Kennedy, Vietnam, Nixon and Operation Condor. Either in office or pupet master above offfice.
This time it feels different though. Escape doors in Paraguay. Private armies and private prisons. No Habeus Corpus. Presidential Directive to control all branches of the government. The Mussellini-esque goose stepping of the Supreme Court. 9-11 inside job. Utter contempt and disregard for law and the Constitition. War for industry. War for oil. War for profit and war for endless hate.
The Bush family has a long history of support for dictatorships so why should this time, why with so much criminal conduct ripe for exposure, why would they just walk away and leave themselves open for prosecution? My gut says they won"t.
Now if two or three or thousands other fear this disaster looming, question is, what would be a course ahead under such a police state dictatorship? I mean, one far worse than the one we already have. How would we, not just survive, but what would bring back the avenues of justice, democracy and peace?
Obviously, with moron professors like John Yoo opining that Bush alone is the law unto himself, no legal recourse following such a coup, would in fact be legal. So If King Bush has paved the legal brick road to monarchy, then any discourse here could in fact be twisted to read seditous. Of course the opposite is the truth, that any illegal and unConstitional siezure of power would require opposition from the citizenry.
But Bush has an endgame for the system of checks and balances and this time we could not look within the system for self restoral. Similarly I would have little faith in external rescue. A hobby horse UN, a ghost of a World Court and a huge gallery of victimized nations to view our implosion with grim satisfaction.
One of the feasome components, one Dick"s probably counting on, is the vehicle of fear-mongering they might foist upon us to justify the evil that they would do. Wether a collapse of the financial system, depression, fake terrorist attack, agricultural or natural disaster, we the people will have to live and function within this land of diminished capacity and that"s with Adolph Bush watching our every move. What hope for the future would we be able to give our childre?. Will we indeed be able to feed and shelter our children?
I am aware that I am postulating discussion of response to a hypothetical illegal coup by Bush. As the coup itself would be an illegal act, action taken in opposition would not only be legal but obligatory. Up yours Yoo. But having been said, I soap-box to others who might fear a coup-a-coming, that we must look to history in not repeating mistakes in similar situations of the past. From Lenin to Mugabe, violent reaction to violent power will become itself, a violent repressor with a new name.
So, if Bush pulls another false-flag attack on the US, declares martial law and siezes all branches of the government, suspending the Constition, what then are we going to do about it?
I feel we must then look to the example of MLK, of Ghandi and though I"m not a christian, to the peaceful protests of the man Jesus. No power on earth, no matter the violence or threat, can sustain, if everyone, everyone just sat down and went on strike. Period. No work of any kind, no other action of any kind required.
Power extends only from the ability to control. All control evaporates in the face of complete non-violent refusal to be controlled. Peaceful non-violent protest is not just a consideration for when and if Bush pulls a coup, it should be the flavor of the day, today, tomorrow and every day leading up to when and if Pumpkin Head declares himself, Head Turnip.
I was proud to be part of the 2004 Republican Convention protests and the 2004 half million who protested the war at the White House, but what has happented to us since? Too many of us have relaxed our vigilance, playing the waiting game till Bush"s term expires. Well, what if it never expires? Are we going to be able to orginze again, under oppression, under threat of police state tacticts and no internet or other alternative forms of media? We should be continueing non-violent protest en masse right up to and until it"s Bush"s time to leave office and if he doesn"t leave office, we can be right there, geared up, fired up and urging others not to take it anymore. Shut the mother down.
So I keep my fingers crossed and refuse to believe, at least on the surface, that Thing One and Thing Two, won"t peacefully leave office and cease to be a threat to all that is living. But I wonder what worries me most, that they might be scheming evil plots unhatching, or that I don"t have a plan B if they do.
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